What It Means to be You? - Chapter 19
Popular Manga
Martial Peak
Chapter 3825
Chapter 3824
The Beginning After The End
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Magic Emperor
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Solo Leveling
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
CEO Above, Me Below
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
the sad thing is that in the stories, even if there miserable they still get a happy ending n be wid someone who cares for them n will eventually come to know wht they suffered n embrace them
but in reality ppl who get abused or bullied n stuff including many other stuff like living wid ppls expectation, trying to be perfect but is never enough, always being treated indifferently compared to siblings, n even when u have frnds n can share stuff, there are some things which u can´t n durin all those time ur always alone, hoping for someone to come n rescue or hold u tight n give u a hug n tell u ur good enough or itś ok as long as u tried ur best or just listen to ur worries for once but then one day u realize itś never gonna happen n still wish btu more than that all u wish is to be sleepin beauty who just sleeps forever or just go far away from here n leave everything behind but the sad reality is that everyone will get married one day n will have a partner but u will nto be able to tell them anything about ur worries n it will just sting u how u have no one u can talk to when u need them the most now, when u need someone to tell u ur life is worth somethin n ur not useless n all that happened to u is not cuz of u but itś just the world that is to blame or atleast just hold our hand
-wow guess whoś depressed from life lmfaoo XD
life is miserable but u just gotta go wid the flow n just keep livin lol
wtff happened in between when they were at teh party, i am so lost i thoguht that it was fine n went to next chapter but wthhhh happened in between after he went to the party -likeee excusee me i am soo lostt
I feel like we missed somethings…… its too fast