Godsmercy Unlike the name this manhwa is amazing I recommend it 12/03/2021 at 12:14 pm Log in to Reply
Aok This manhua it’s that type of trash where the mc hides his powers, hides his identity , he wears a shitty red mask when he’s at ‘full’ power. 06/03/2023 at 2:54 am Log in to Reply
Sibam You know how frustrated I was I read this mahwa in another website with another name and was finding it but couldn’t find it and here it is 07/27/2023 at 2:29 pm Log in to Reply
Unlike the name this manhwa is amazing I recommend it
Why stop update it??? More
This manhua it’s that type of trash where the mc hides his powers, hides his identity , he wears a shitty red mask when he’s at ‘full’ power.
You know how frustrated I was I read this mahwa in another website with another name and was finding it but couldn’t find it and here it is