Kim Soohyuk, a veteran rescuer in Shinil-seo was crushed and killed during a rescue operation in a collapsing building. Soohyuk, who thought he was dead, opened his eyes in an incident 10 years ago. [Save Everyone] He was able to save two people that he couldn’t save in the past. As a reward, he was also given new abilities and strength. “Great. From now on, I will save the lives of those I couldn’t save in the past!”
Action, Shounen, Drama, Comedy
- Chapter 72 03/05/2024
- Chapter 71 02/27/2024
- Chapter 70 02/20/2024
- Chapter 69 02/13/2024
- Chapter 68 02/06/2024
- Chapter 67 01/30/2024
- Chapter 66 01/23/2024
- Chapter 65 01/16/2024
- Chapter 64 01/09/2024
- Chapter 63 01/02/2024
- Chapter 62 12/26/2023
- Chapter 61 12/17/2023
- Chapter 60 12/12/2023
- Chapter 59 12/05/2023
- Chapter 58 11/23/2023
- Chapter 57 11/21/2023
- Chapter 56 11/14/2023
- Chapter 55 11/01/2023
- Chapter 54 10/31/2023
- Chapter 53 10/10/2023
- Chapter 52 02/23/2023
- Chapter 51 02/23/2023
- Chapter 50 02/23/2023
- Chapter 49 01/02/2023
- Chapter 48 01/02/2023
- Chapter 47 11/27/2022
- Chapter 46 11/27/2022
- Chapter 45 11/23/2022
- Chapter 44 11/05/2022
- Chapter 43 10/28/2022
- Chapter 42 10/28/2022
- Chapter 41 10/07/2022
- Chapter 40 10/03/2022
- Chapter 39 09/23/2022
- Chapter 38 09/15/2022
- Chapter 37 09/11/2022
- Chapter 36 09/02/2022
- Chapter 35 08/24/2022
- Chapter 34 08/17/2022
- Chapter 33 08/17/2022
- Chapter 32 05/27/2022
- Chapter 31 05/22/2022
- Chapter 30 05/14/2022
- Chapter 29 05/06/2022
- Chapter 28 04/30/2022
- Chapter 27 04/21/2022
- Chapter 26 04/14/2022
- Chapter 25 04/07/2022
- Chapter 24 04/01/2022
- Chapter 23 04/01/2022
- Chapter 22 04/01/2022
- Chapter 21 04/01/2022
- Chapter 20 04/01/2022
- Chapter 19 04/01/2022
- Chapter 18 04/01/2022
- Chapter 17 04/01/2022
- Chapter 16 04/01/2022
- Chapter 15 04/01/2022
- Chapter 14 04/01/2022
- Chapter 13 04/01/2022
- Chapter 12 04/01/2022
- Chapter 11 04/01/2022
- Chapter 10 04/01/2022
- Chapter 9 04/01/2022
- Chapter 8 04/01/2022
- Chapter 7 04/01/2022
- Chapter 6 04/01/2022
- Chapter 5 04/01/2022
- Chapter 4 04/01/2022
- Chapter 3 04/01/2022
- Chapter 2 04/01/2022
- Chapter 1 04/01/2022
Sun And Moon
if you’re reading this then your parents will die in 5 years. To undo this curse you have to paste this comment on 5 more Manga. I’m so sorry please forgive me. I didn’t want to risk
If you wrote that, you will be cursed the same cursed you spread here.
hel be judged by god for cursing others parents to die…..whether his words a lie or not…..thats between him and god…..
This is a great read! 5⭐
Hope more people read this because the store is great! And well written!
The art is amazing! And the group behind this did some research and ask real fire fighters or recommendation and real life scenarios!
The characters are well written and it’s make the story not boring at all.
The system is quite simple since maybe the theme is reality and not martial arts with complicated words like Mana/elixir, etc. So I think even the beginners in drama and slice of life genre will understand the Manhua.
Again! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS ONE!!! ❤️❤️❤️⭐⭐⭐???
Also, it’s more on actual action and not full of explanation thingy but if they did explain some things, it will be informations that happened, theory, history that can help save people even in real life. So it’s a plus point why you will enjoy reading this Manhua. ❤️
Man i hat this update pls
now this manga have Chapter 42 Read on mangaclaw .com !
Haha Yes We Don’t Need a Dude but we Need Idol Girlband
Just Imagine youre in your was to a Traffic accodent and the Guy next to you Smileys Like that
And now we wait i guess
oh my god why
We are still waiting…
Shadizar Silvermask
Now that’s a twist, don’t often see emergency personnel getting reincarnated or their feats lauded like this. A comic about firefighters and the one given the chance they all wish they had to save those that they failed to save in the past.
Shadizar Silvermask
Would have been a short novel if he went the safe route, but while far riskier he can still have a successful life as a firefighter especially when he’s got a system that can provide him things no other firefighter has or can get.
Shadizar Silvermask
So he has the two basic things you’d most need special ability wise for a firefighter, a danger-sense a la Spider-man and life detection to be able to find those that are still alive or know that there’s no one left to rescue and they’re already dead.
Shadizar Silvermask
So the MC saves someone’s life and suddenly he’s got a co-worker being deliberately antagonistic and undermining workplace safety and efficiency in a job where lives are literally on the line. Apparently for no other reason than on his day off he risked his life to save someone, because it seems rules and regulations are more important than the human life that would have died because of how long they took to get there and the guy would have just been thinking ‘gee too bad we didn’t there in time, sucks to be him.’
Shadizar Silvermask
So as I thought the driver was actually a kidnapper and had someone in his trunk, but nobody bothered checking the vehicle trunk because hey nobody would be in there right?
Shadizar Silvermask
Oh he’s totally going to end up being accused of being an arsonist firefighter after this I’m sure, especially when he’s got maps around of a fire event BEFORE it happened. People will ignore that he couldn’t be responsible because he’s been standing out too much and tall poppy syndrome will kick in.
Shadizar Silvermask
Oh yes he’s totally going to end up on trial for intentionally starting the fire thanks to all of that.
Shadizar Silvermask
It’s baffling how he refuses to stop dismissing the MC as a punk, refuses to acknowledge that he’s done his job well and saved lives and keeps engaging in unprofessional behavior driven by his personal issues with the MC that threaten lives because he’s needlessly antagonistic towards him.
Shadizar Silvermask
Some soul-searching and MC finally hits his limits.
Shadizar Silvermask
Looks like we don’t have to worry about a public trial for arson at least, everyone seems to think that his behavior and knowledge isn’t as a result of being an arsonist and he does have some kind of crazy fire-fighting instincts for finding people since even if he was an arsonist doing it as an Angel Of Mercy he could have never predicted where everyone was in real time like he did. Sad that despite his best efforts he still failed to save people though.
I’m wondering though when he’ll level up that basic fireman qualification he got, how many levels and what kind of quest does he need to get to intermediate.
Shadizar Silvermask
I had no idea that they actually held a world firefighting championship but apparently they do. I guess they have these kinds of things for just about every profession. Good for them to get recognized when they’re such a vital service to the world.
Shadizar Silvermask
I love the note there at the end from the novel team and their donating to help the families of firefighters. It’s good that things have progressed to where writers are producing novels of amazing people like firefighters instead of the usual type of novels with losers getting systems and going off on face-slapping crusades and building harems and maybe down the line they start actually doing something useful or decent.
Shadizar Silvermask
Dude you’ve got a system you should realize that makes you a protagonist and you’ll always end up somewhere that something amazing or terrifying is happening.
Shadizar Silvermask
Ah yes, now that the robot’s been moved to their station instead it’ll be a time-wasting thing the boss will insist on using when time is too precious to waste.
Shadizar Silvermask
Standard bureaucrat concerned about things rather than people’s lives. The entire point of the robot is to go in so that IT ‘dies’ rather than people yet the boss is insisting on saving the machine at the expense of human life, then if someone died he’d complain about the machine and probably try and scapegoat the victim while at it.
Shadizar Silvermask
Yes! Finally! That black boss finally getting the reaming out he deserves!
Shadizar Silvermask
Awwww, such a cute kitten I’d love to have it. Sadly the orange one we had disappeared last year so is probably dead. 🙁
dont mean to laugh but that is depressing and sad at the same time
Shadizar Silvermask
The @$$hole victim tvtrope in action. Also karma in that his own actions brought about his death when he could have survived if he’d just been respectful and helpful instead of petty and selfish.
Shadizar Silvermask
So will Dad continue behaving like he needs a slap upside his head to knock the stupid out of him or has he straightened out since our previous negative impression of him? Yeah I know, he’ll need the stupid slapped out of him it was a rhetorical question.
Shadizar Silvermask
Really simple, he keeps his job and the girlfriend because her father has no business thinking he can give such ultimatums to anyone.
Shadizar Silvermask
*sigh* Yet another shallow, arrogant and spoiled idiot that thinks he’s above everyone else and gets furious because of his jealousy when someone he deems inferior gets the attention and not himself. Too bad he won’t be ending up going the same route as the previous idiot did because he adds nothing of value to the world.
Shadizar Silvermask
Spoiled idol dude has quite the warped mental processes, somehow he thinks an idol is somehow better qualified for a survival show and doing things like following a map over a firefighter? Only thing he’s good for is looking pretty otherwise he’s worthless.