Rimuru_Tempest115 Reader 2 hours agoIf you are reading this comment your parents will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it on 5 other manga. i’m so, so sorry,please forgive me. (I SAW THIS ON ANOTHER MANGA SORRY I HAD TO REPOST) 06/17/2022 at 5:58 am Log in to Reply
Irhamel It’s been years since the last time I broke my 20 chapters on a manhua before dropping. but this is it, this story is awful. 09/16/2023 at 1:39 am Log in to Reply
Reader 2 hours agoIf you are reading this comment your parents will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it on 5 other manga. i’m so, so sorry,please forgive me. (I SAW THIS ON ANOTHER MANGA SORRY I HAD TO REPOST)
awful start . . .
Kill yourself
Also idc
awful followup
It’s been years since the last time I broke my 20 chapters on a manhua before dropping. but this is it, this story is awful.