“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.”
Born into a musical family, Gu Si was known as a genius, but was never recognized by his father because of the lack of emotion in his music. In order to overcome this shortcoming, Gu Si began to study the music of Charles, a musician known for his emotions. Who would have thought that halfway through the book, he would wake up 200 years ago and find himself in front of a facial paralysis man with rusty piano skills, in front of me is actually the legendary Charles ?! Español: Nacido en una familia de músicos, Si Gu fue conocido como un prodigio, pero nunca fue reconocido por su padre debido a la falta de emoción en su música. Para superar esta deficiencia, Si Gu comenzó a estudiar la música de Charles, un músico conocido por sus emociones. ¿¡Quién hubiera pensado que a mitad del libro, me despertaría y volvería a hace 200 años, y este hombre con parálisis facial y habilidades de piano un poco oxidadas, delante de mí es en realidad el legendario Charles?!
Jennifer Kopez
Thanks for translet and edit I love you all admins
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Oof, finally a comment
Jennifer Kopez
Thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins ❤️❤️❤️
Jennifer Kopez
Omg woaaaw
Jennifer Kopez
Sob sob yeah baby yeah thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Lol your comments ? ? ?
Jennifer Kopez
İ miss their old love plsssss I nede mire love scences thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins
Jennifer Kopez
Why am I crying now thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jennifer Kopez
Waaaaaa sob sob sob waaaa thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Jennifer Kopez
Thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Mee too ??
Jennifer Kopez
Uwaaaaaaaaa so cutieeeee
Jennifer Kopez
So saad sooo saaaad thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins ❤️??
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Stop making me laugh (though I like it)
Jennifer Kopez
it’s an honor to make you laugh
Jennifer Kopez
Thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins ❤️❤️?????
Jennifer Kopez
Why I feel so sad whyyy thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins ❤️❤️
Jennifer Kopez
I want to see their ??? thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins ❤️?
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Not gonna lie, I too wanna see that
Jennifer Kopez
Hey you are my favorite admin I’m popping popcorn you can come to my house
Jennifer Kopez
Ariaa????? Thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jennifer Kopez
Son sob pls hug me admins thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Sob sob, don’t worry you have me ?
Jennifer Kopez
Woaw İm shyy
Can I ship you two
Jennifer Kopez
Jennifer Kopez
UwwwwwU thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Not the UwU 😭
Jennifer Kopez
This end is so perfect i love it thanks for editing and translate I love you all admins thanks
The best end thank you so much for translation and edit
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Leaving a comment because its creepy
Willow woods
thank you for the comment 🤩
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Hehe, same to you
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
I don’t wanna leave this comment section empty because it is creepy
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Anyone here ?….
Willow woods
I’m here 😊
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Thank you 😊
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
I think the story line Is good
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
I really wanna beat that potato faced pop
Willow woods
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Oh oh he’s jelly ?
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
I kinda feel irritated for some reason
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
When he said brat I laughed ? ? ? ? ? ?
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
I think those nobles are really crazy ?
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Oh it’s so cute
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Me trying hard to not to leave comment section empty ?
ykw ill join in i feel a bit bad 💀
I love manga,manhwa,manhua
Oof thank you, finally it is somewhat lively