I Don’t Want the Obsession of a Twisted Archduke / 흑막 대공님의 집착은 싫어요
I reincarnated as the wife of a cursed archduke in my own twisted novel. As the author, I took responsibility and set things right by lifting the curse, which was the key to returning home. I thought my job was done, and just when I was finally trying to go back, the archduke asked me, “Did you really think I wouldn’t know that you’re planning on returning to your fiance?” He had completely misunderstood! “Whether you like it or not, I’m still your husband. I’m never letting you go back to that bastard.” All I want is for him to please let me go home!
This selfish bitch has no idea about her future, not his but her future. If you’re dead, she’ll be killed. How can you be so stupid!
Because ML can’t kill people he don’t want to kill people
Because ML can’t kill people he don’t want to kill people
leynaivete _
i don’t really understand??
I think this might be a sort of promo
That’s easier said than done really
I will not tell my name
She’s the author
If he died in 6 months it means the author didn’t show a way to save him, I haven’t read the novel but I don’t think the author would’ve mentioned it after the fact. And it’s still easier said than done here, too.
Shilpa Sri
Well, it’s her who got herself in trouble in trouble?♂
I hope he can warm up to her
Beauty and the beast ??
I will not tell my name
To the person who replied to me on the last chapter, if she knew how to cure him she wouldn’t have to read up on curses like this, rather she’d just cure him and make up an excuse as to how she knew how to. Besides, if she knew how to cure him from the beginning itself wouldn’t it be a bit boring as a plot
Updated cast
Ooh, time to get close maybe ~
Yes ! Sleep together !!
They’re getting closer ^^ that’s good, except for the murderous thoughts at 3 am
Shilpa Sri
Oh boy…
Shilpa Sri
But won’t these guys might come in contact and she frozes? I’m confused…