Left behind again, and again, and again. The straggler was abandoned by all of mankind due to a cloaking technique unknown even by God. “Why was I the only one left behind? Why did this happen to me?” [In the end, even after God had devised a list of all the humans meant to be transported to another world, he could not find you. You said it was a truly phenomenal cloaking technique, right?] So I, alone since birth, began my lonesome daily life on Earth, awaiting humanity’s return.
- Chapter 46 08/10/2023
- Chapter 45 08/04/2023
- Chapter 44 07/27/2023
- Chapter 43 07/23/2023
- Chapter 42 07/18/2023
- Chapter 41 07/01/2023
- Chapter 40 06/30/2023
- Chapter 39 06/20/2023
- Chapter 38 06/17/2023
- Chapter 37 06/17/2023
- Chapter 36 06/01/2023
- Chapter 35 05/25/2023
- Chapter 34 05/15/2023
- Chapter 33 05/11/2023
- Chapter 32 05/11/2023
- Chapter 31 05/11/2023
- Chapter 30 04/14/2023
- Chapter 29 04/07/2023
- Chapter 28 03/30/2023
- Chapter 27 03/23/2023
- Chapter 26 03/18/2023
- Chapter 25 03/08/2023
- Chapter 24 03/04/2023
- Chapter 23 02/23/2023
- Chapter 22 02/16/2023
- Chapter 21 02/09/2023
- Chapter 20 02/02/2023
- Chapter 19 02/02/2023
- Chapter 18 02/02/2023
- Chapter 17 02/02/2023
- Chapter 16 02/02/2023
- Chapter 15 02/02/2023
- Chapter 14 02/02/2023
- Chapter 13 02/01/2023
- Chapter 12 02/01/2023
- Chapter 11 02/01/2023
- Chapter 10 02/01/2023
- Chapter 9 02/01/2023
- Chapter 8 02/01/2023
- Chapter 7 02/01/2023
- Chapter 6 02/01/2023
- Chapter 5 01/31/2023
- Chapter 4 01/31/2023
- Chapter 3 01/31/2023
- Chapter 2 01/31/2023
- Chapter 1 01/31/2023
I wonder if the reaper guy can steal power.
Bernard Chola
Reaper guys giving me sus vib
Dokja (Reader)
So, i caught up. Huhh
Dokja (Reader)
Just great. Amazing 9/10
Shubham Yadav
What is amazing in this loser
Dokja (Reader)
Hey. Damn, read it and you’ll find out. He is physically strong. Can make his own weapons. 1000 years of training. And now learning to use mana. Its definitely great
I bet he’s on steroids. Tough big man or tough strong women in peroid
Dude can’t read the manhwa and doesn’t know how long 1000 years is.
Normal Reader
Well that’s TRUE but I say it’s very good. I mean he’s not like every mc going around with magic and qi stuff
Brother, you are walking around the house with a huge spear wrapped in a cloth on your back. You slay the monsters with the outfit you left the house. How are you going to hide your identity from your mother with a crappy mask? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3fb8f646cec8ab2cccba2d1d54f2c7c354d0eca89ef5434d21934fb6dea5d89d.jpg
God save the USA(Korea too, please!)
Shubham Yadav
Waste of time fucking frustrating are you saying the MC is not even angery for leaving him for thousands of years and again every one is leaving fucking waste of time fucking frustrating
I had a stroke reading this
Shubham Yadav
Waste of time fucking frustrating are you saying the MC is not even angery for leaving him for thousands of years and again every one is leaving
If you live for 1000 years, wouldn’t you be humble?
You get 1000 years of vacation cuz u literally can do anything
Mc doesn’t slack off either. He can literally do almost everything. And he’s basically hephaestus.
Did you just read 2 episodes and leave?
And sure he’s obsessed with dismantling monsters, smithing and artificing. but that just means he found his passion and can focus on his own work.
Calm yourself and re-read it when you’re calm and 3 days off steroids
Seriously stop using steroids. You can’t even formulate sentences properly
And no one is leaving, literally only a few don’t like it.
By few i mean close to none
Do those charts represent hp?
kayro jaymon
To think mybe it’s power because na yoona didn’t even receive any attack on that guy i think
They all are different so their power would be different and they wpuld just show that to anyone.
It is either hp or mp or stamina
remember the first time he was in a party with the other member weaker than him? he gained double the experience and she was the 2nd strongest character. i think it is a distribution chart as na yoona didnt retain any damage and our protagonist doesnt even have any mp.
Oh, according to contribution? As the party leader
Does anyone know when the next chapter is out
So some high-ranking monsters can create their own dungeons and “disguise” themselves. So they can legit setup a fake newbie dungeon and make a guaranteed death trap to anybody who comes in?
Moonton Account
He forgot his money
“sleeping now is 5% more beneficial”
bruh why no update
Mohd Shan Rayeen
are an idiot isn’t this is a new chapter
Bro is slowly but surely rizing her up too
Holy shit
Perfect! *cheff kiss* 👌
It Would Be Great If He Get A Mythical Item Like
Elixer of Life
Then He Could Be Immortal And IT Would Be Much Better if he save some And Give It Too 2nd FMl i Guess
😁😅Am I Being Too Delusional Haha😅😅
That wont be fun as he is adequately strong now.
Not too strong or weak a perfect balance
He’s balanced I mean we know he has about 1000 years of experience and also he master multiple languages, fighting styles, Crafting, Hunting, Disecting, Engineering, and a bunch of things I mean that was the only way to keep him self from going Nuts and the Angel that was with him but yeah we know why he’s very Skill and doesn’t show fear when fighting and keeps a clear mind when doing so
I think that’s what I meant.
He is at perfect place where we can see growth and still feel like we have a competent mc.
Only problem is that he doesn’t lnow how to use mana
Yeah You Are Right but He lived Thousands of years With That Goddess and He like and Miss her too
And If She is FML So How can a Human x Angle With just That Tiny Life?? If (Rita)is FMC Then They Should Make MC Immortal too because She is Immortal too so i Just thought That
I Don’t Wants to MC to be Invincible Or Unbeatable It’s Just I Thought They Both Should Be Immortal
Well I am Delusional 😅😅
I guess they would make him immortal or she would just give up immortallity and her status to live with him.
Is That really true??
Did You Check properly in Novel
If that’s true Then i Don’t Mind It’s Actually Good Dragons live quite long 😁
Ohh 😮😯 I see
Thanks Bro
Even though I Got some Spoilers
I don’t Regret It 😁
Suspicious Fu
oh nice one of the best novels got a manhwa !
can’t wait to read this and compare it to the novel.
Soviet United
A crybaby
Kazuto Kirigaya
Bet the mother and father is very OP.
Jimmy Jones
she is casually slaughtering sea monsters and processing them to food
So let me get this straight, we got a jealous angel, angels who see humans as lower beings, and just normal nagke with no thoughts on them.
And also what kind of power did MC have that can stealth gId himself?
not even a nuclear missile would kill a monster formed from high energy
You just need to be strong
I doubt the author would contradict themselves in the first chapter, so theres definitely something in store.
She probably said that too cheer him up a little
Man rizzed up 2 angels.
And that other Empress Girl too.
And the best part he only knows about 1 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0225998e3719677f7570ebfa914ae58104e4d2ac882b2a47bdc9b0e8267359d2.jpg
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b48eb46b007d13893f105afa634f85a1a9b22b4643a9255ff0dc7523da54865c.png MY HEART SKIPPED A BEAT T_T
Wtf is this
Oh its only half the wrong chapter
Forging fire of Amaterasu…would be a cool name
He’s about to rizz the 2nd angel
He’s about to rizz the 2nd angel