Left behind again, and again, and again. The straggler was abandoned by all of mankind due to a cloaking technique unknown even by God. “Why was I the only one left behind? Why did this happen to me?” [In the end, even after God had devised a list of all the humans meant to be transported to another world, he could not find you. You said it was a truly phenomenal cloaking technique, right?] So I, alone since birth, began my lonesome daily life on Earth, awaiting humanity’s return.
- Chapter 46 08/10/2023
- Chapter 45 08/04/2023
- Chapter 44 07/27/2023
- Chapter 43 07/23/2023
- Chapter 42 07/18/2023
- Chapter 41 07/01/2023
- Chapter 40 06/30/2023
- Chapter 39 06/20/2023
- Chapter 38 06/17/2023
- Chapter 37 06/17/2023
- Chapter 36 06/01/2023
- Chapter 35 05/25/2023
- Chapter 34 05/15/2023
- Chapter 33 05/11/2023
- Chapter 32 05/11/2023
- Chapter 31 05/11/2023
- Chapter 30 04/14/2023
- Chapter 29 04/07/2023
- Chapter 28 03/30/2023
- Chapter 27 03/23/2023
- Chapter 26 03/18/2023
- Chapter 25 03/08/2023
- Chapter 24 03/04/2023
- Chapter 23 02/23/2023
- Chapter 22 02/16/2023
- Chapter 21 02/09/2023
- Chapter 20 02/02/2023
- Chapter 19 02/02/2023
- Chapter 18 02/02/2023
- Chapter 17 02/02/2023
- Chapter 16 02/02/2023
- Chapter 15 02/02/2023
- Chapter 14 02/02/2023
- Chapter 13 02/01/2023
- Chapter 12 02/01/2023
- Chapter 11 02/01/2023
- Chapter 10 02/01/2023
- Chapter 9 02/01/2023
- Chapter 8 02/01/2023
- Chapter 7 02/01/2023
- Chapter 6 02/01/2023
- Chapter 5 01/31/2023
- Chapter 4 01/31/2023
- Chapter 3 01/31/2023
- Chapter 2 01/31/2023
- Chapter 1 01/31/2023
❤️Hі) Мy nаme іs Paula, Іm 24 yеars оld) Bеginning SЕХ mоdel 18 +) І lоve bеing phоtographed іn thе nudе) Plеase ratе my phоtos аt ➤ Ja.cat/id369024
I like this one so much
The manhwa is good but
Both 19th and 20th chapters are not in order
if you’re reading this then your parents will die in 5 years. To undo this curse you have to paste this comment on 5 more Manga. I’m so sorry please forgive me. I didn’t want to risk
I would’ve embraced the stealth.
The "meat" beater
You’re not the only one
Then again it would probably become more lonely and depressive but at least i will point fingers at the skill instead of wondering why people seem to avoid me.
The "meat" beater
Yeah. I wish i could be nearly invincible. Wouldnt have irritating people talking to me
But that includes the people you want to be with.
Don’t you have someone like that?
The "meat" beater
I do but i would mostly scare the shit outta them showing up behind them
They wouldn’t notice you right?
His stealth will reach a point where he would become practically non-existent.
Coz his stealth keeps on levelling up.
The "meat" beater
Yeah but what if you stand in a second in front of them right in their face
The breathing and smell would be scary.
The "meat" beater
Who you gonna call?
Imma call, D-Gray-Man considering we are in a manga site
The "meat" beater
Then give him a slap in the face
Haha, that would be scary but funny as hell
The "meat" beater
Yeah. You see nobody and in a second get slapped in the face with a dude in front of you.
Some people would shit themselfes
I never done pranks coz im alone with only my parents.
I gotta be thankful to them, for nursing me during these times.
But when i was a kid i usedto orank my mother so much.
Like one time, i used red dye and said i pissed blood.
And I act like I’m having a fit.
The "meat" beater
I just mkve around the house and somrtimes scare my mother
Hahaha ?
The "meat" beater
I was once on the attic and scared my mom cuz she thought i was outside
The reason was:
We have creaky floors and my mom was downstairs and suddenly heard me walking and got scared
Oh, yeh here about that dude who got shot for doing a prank video.
Penguinz0 covered it.
Watch it
The "meat" beater
How tf do you get that achievement
Yes sir daddy I mean Mc
Challa Saivamsi
When you guys post a new chapter please send me mail to [email protected] for reading next chapters
jimmy paga
Why hes hiding his face doesn’t make sense no one notices him even he goes around without mask so what’s the point of mask even though he gets famous by showing his face but no one will notice him when walking on street
I’m pretty sure the mask is automatic because they’ll obviously notice him if they see huge monsters getting defeated and then they’ll be able to see his face if he doesn’t have the mask
jimmy paga
He left his money on street
Nah, probably picked it up after exp run
Legendary reader
A new story let’s go
Hi there
Legendary reader
It is a good story indeed♥️♥️
Legendary reader
He is just too talented
ksuiata sumone
Not just talent he’s Well learned as well 1000 years
Legendary reader
The pages wa jumbled or rumbled or random
Wasn’t that bad
Jobanpreet singh
Pls tell me what is mean subscribe
Probably a notification on mail to let you know when the next chapter is released. Idk so I’ll test it out and subscribe.
Didn’t notice it until someone said it
Ya I don’t have any word ?
This is really to good ??❤️❤️
Leveling Mc Fan
Wait that’s it? Am I just reading too fast or this chapter short?
Peter Keller
I think we’re just reading too fast
We’re definitely reading fast lol
Peter Keller
I just wish they would update bit sooner.
The "meat" beater
Dripped out droid
He’s listening to the Hime Depot theme
Kim Dokja~ssi
pretty good story….even though its just a manhwa I am amazed by this guy… 1000 years….i know i cant get past 200-250yrs
Belive in yourself, there’s no tax, not work, everything is free. And you have a guardian angel.
So probably 700 years
He will be on par with Hephaestus in the future
He already is my amigo. He already is.
Gods already ask him to make something they can’t make themselves.
Yes but he is still can’t make weapons to kill Gods.
Hephaestus can
Yes but he is still can’t make weapons to kill Gods.
Hephaestus can
I am confident all he needs is good-enough materials or an evolution to the smithing/crafting.
Actually he needs mana for that and how to use it.
You right. He might be able to ascend to godhood fairly easy if he can use mana.
Exp grinding montage.
I don’t speak Korean 🙁
I think the whole first half of this chapter was Chinese or something but it was still unnecessary without a translation
The first half was a completely different manga
Damn wtf 😂
It’s not jumbled anymore!
Pretty sure that happened because it was still loading
Nah the previous two chapters were indeed uploaded with out of order panels.
Interesting. Poor ilhwan
Tf, why is she tiny? ☠️
the author’s into vore, maybe?
Lmao 🤣
also i notice ur a based op fan 🙂 u excited for sunday?
Yessir just 2 more days
She shrunk so she can hide easily from other humans while training him.
Let’s see him squash those ants
Lita is the best girl idc
Lita ?
Jesriel Jesse K Juntado