Left behind again, and again, and again. The straggler was abandoned by all of mankind due to a cloaking technique unknown even by God. “Why was I the only one left behind? Why did this happen to me?” [In the end, even after God had devised a list of all the humans meant to be transported to another world, he could not find you. You said it was a truly phenomenal cloaking technique, right?] So I, alone since birth, began my lonesome daily life on Earth, awaiting humanity’s return.
- Chapter 46 08/10/2023
- Chapter 45 08/04/2023
- Chapter 44 07/27/2023
- Chapter 43 07/23/2023
- Chapter 42 07/18/2023
- Chapter 41 07/01/2023
- Chapter 40 06/30/2023
- Chapter 39 06/20/2023
- Chapter 38 06/17/2023
- Chapter 37 06/17/2023
- Chapter 36 06/01/2023
- Chapter 35 05/25/2023
- Chapter 34 05/15/2023
- Chapter 33 05/11/2023
- Chapter 32 05/11/2023
- Chapter 31 05/11/2023
- Chapter 30 04/14/2023
- Chapter 29 04/07/2023
- Chapter 28 03/30/2023
- Chapter 27 03/23/2023
- Chapter 26 03/18/2023
- Chapter 25 03/08/2023
- Chapter 24 03/04/2023
- Chapter 23 02/23/2023
- Chapter 22 02/16/2023
- Chapter 21 02/09/2023
- Chapter 20 02/02/2023
- Chapter 19 02/02/2023
- Chapter 18 02/02/2023
- Chapter 17 02/02/2023
- Chapter 16 02/02/2023
- Chapter 15 02/02/2023
- Chapter 14 02/02/2023
- Chapter 13 02/01/2023
- Chapter 12 02/01/2023
- Chapter 11 02/01/2023
- Chapter 10 02/01/2023
- Chapter 9 02/01/2023
- Chapter 8 02/01/2023
- Chapter 7 02/01/2023
- Chapter 6 02/01/2023
- Chapter 5 01/31/2023
- Chapter 4 01/31/2023
- Chapter 3 01/31/2023
- Chapter 2 01/31/2023
- Chapter 1 01/31/2023
He got a diploma of rizzerifics, he got 2 angels and 1 military woman as for now.
The people got what they deserved. They got carried so hard its not even funny, and they want to split the loot?
Its like carrying a noob cuz he wants some exp and ask for some loot and they’re presistent about it saying they participated dealing 1% dmg.
And the fuken mana stone, it should obviously be given to mc the main damage dealer.
The croc is muslim
“Don’t die! Otherwise i can’t be a tsundere anymore!!”
i’m very glad this isn’t just another solo adventure and that there is someone else
i love how he’s doing all of this just to evolve his sleep skill lol
And now we wait…again.
Ughh season 2
Bro, knows about his life very well.
Dark Uncle
so we are gonna see the dragons at the next chapter right
time to beat monsters that cant be killed with nukes with a freaking spear
That line mostly applied to the higher tiered monsters. At the lowest tiers and levels they’re still within the realm of human power, but just barely.
1000 year old virgin daym… that level of abstinence is sss tier. angel should have thought of giving him the reward earlier
just bring back lita the heck gods are thinking assigning a new one
Lita was assigned other duties at the time, and was forbidden from interfering for now.
Patrick Quiatchon
Bruh imagine spending thousands of years with someone and at the blink of an eye all those just become memories
Where chapter
why dont they just use a tank instead of artillery tanks ill pen 800mm or more of pure steel so why not just use a tank
“I can hear the extroversion in their voice” bro same…
what happened to this? like did it just die for some reason? why hasnt there been a new chapter for basically like 3 months?